Cisco Acquires Code BGP

Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, Vasileios Kotronis, and Lefteris Manassakis have been renowned researchers, open-source contributors, and experienced practitioners of Internet infrastructure monitoring. They reached out to us a couple of years ago with an ambitious plan to build a novel BGP visibility platform, providing a real-time view of Internet traffic with unprecedented speed and accuracy.
We were impressed with their deep understanding of the space and the adoption of their open-source tool by some of the world's most prominent internet infrastructure vendors. In June 2021, we happily did a seed round for Heraklion, Crete-based Code BGP.
Fast forward a couple of years later, and today we are excited to share that Cisco has acquired Code BGP, enabling its ThousandEyes business to expand its BGP monitoring capabilities and further enhance its global view of Internet health. Cisco is acquiring Code BGP's expertise and intellectual property assets, with Code BGP’s entire team joining its ThousandEyes team.
For our team at Marathon, this is a little bittersweet, as we've watched the Code BGP team make strides over the past year. Fulfilling their potential as great founders, Fontas, Vassilis, and Lefteris brought together a strong team, delivered on their product vision, and commanded the attention of the best part of the industry.
At the same time, this is an excellent outcome for the entire team at Code BGP, and we can’t wait to watch the impact they will have at Cisco. The Cisco ThousandEyes team is fortunate to have gained such a brilliant, talented, and humble group of leading industry experts, and we at Marathon are all the better for having had the opportunity to work together. We would like to thank Xenofontas, Lefteris, and Vasileios for trusting us to be their partner on this journey.