Thaleia MisailidouThaleia Misailidou

The Complete Legal Package For Seed Financing of UK LTD

The location of the headquarters of a company is very much a case-by-case decision. Such a decision is usually driven by the location of the team, the company’s customers, or related infrastructure. Many Greek founders, for example UK residents, choose to incorporate their headquarters as a UK Limited Company.  To assist with the process, we are today releasing the full package of legal documents required for a Series Seed round in a UK-based company.

Similarly to the seed financing legal package for companies incorporated in Greece that we have released previously, the UK seed financing legal package includes:

The above documents were prepared by Waterfront Solicitors, adapting our standard term sheet to UK law. The terms reflected above convey what we believe to be best practice for a seed round.

We hope this legal package to be of value for founders raising a seed round as well as other market participants engaging in the process.

None of this post and the above documents constitutes legal advice. Specialist legal advice should be taken in relation to specific circumstances. The contents of this webpage are for general information purposes only. Some of the material on this site may have been prepared some time ago. Please contact us if you need comprehensive and up-to-date information on the above.